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Sakina Sumandal

My experience at the Field school this year I’ll have to say was a great experience and a good skill builder, as well. I am happy to have met the people I did, it made me feel like I was a part of a family away from home. When I moved here to Hawaii I felt like a little kid in a big city all alone lost and scared, but somehow I have found myself in many ways thanks to the people I’ve encountered here. I am glad I got to be a part of a hands on learning process that taught me something about what I dreamed of doing as a child being like “Indiana Jones”. I’d say the last two weeks doing excavations have been the funniest moments to me, actually learning how to build a test trench and knowing that math had a big part to do with it considering I hate math “a2 +b2= c2”, having to learn the Pythagorean theorem. All of this made me realize I had to work that much harder to get what I wanted, and I have been determined ever since; I have reached some rough road blocks since I have been here, but it’s made me that much more stronger to get back up and try again. I am forever grateful for all you teachers dedicating your time to giving students like me this experience.

I also will have to say I will never forget that day at the fishpond when I saw the value of hard work, team work, and passion to do something for the better of Mother Nature, and not something for yourself. In a way I thought it was a rewarding feeling knowing I was helping the process of Mother Nature, but at the safe time it felt good to know I was capable of being a part of something greater then myself and sharing that with my team, it made it that much more of a great experience. Watching the relationships that have been built over these 4 months is incredible and I am truly honored to have been a part of that. I hope that we all stay in contact and I am excited, as well about Windy’s internship I hope to get to work with her she is a beautiful person and very smart. I admire her for having her own CRM business and this just gives me that much more of a push to show I can do that one day too.

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